如果有任何等级可供查看,您可以在注册历史记录中看到它们 within Lancerpoint.

  1. Log into LancerPoint and click on "Classes & 学者" tab
  2. Click on "View/Print My Class Schedule"
  3. Select your desired term
  4. Click on "Return to Menu" at the top
  5. Click on "Registration 历史"

Pass/No Pass Grading 

该学院为学生提供了及格或不及格的选择 课程. 

当要求和分配时,P等级符号表示学生已获得学分 for the course. The P is equivalent to a grade of C or better and the units earned are not counted in the student's 平均绩点. NP indicates a less than satisfactory or failing grade and no credit has been earned. The NP grades does not count against a student's 平均绩点. 有NP记录的课程的尝试单元应视为正在进行中 standing and dismissal procedures. 

课程安排和目录包括课程是否与P/NP一起提供 grading option. 

只有那些在课程安排中提供P级选项的课程才能被批准 for the P/NP grade option. 

The following conditions apply:

  1. Only one class per semester may be approved for P/NP grading.
  2. AA/AS学位或证书最多可通过12个“及格”单元. 
  3. 不保证以P/NP选择的课程将被接受转学 to other colleges and universities. 
  4. P(及格)的成绩代表了令人满意的成绩 C or better on the regular grading scale. These 课程 cannot be repeated at PCC 如果转学机构或课程后来确定要求学生具备以下条件 a letter grade in the class. 
  5. Sequential 课程 may be taken on a P/NP basis; pass (P) meets grade prerequisite requirements. 
  6. 教师将被通知选择在考试中被评为P/NP的学生 的课程. 
  7. 上述条件不适用于仅以P/NP方式提供的课程.
  8. 不能通过LancerPoint门户网站选择Pass/No Pass选项. 你必须 request the option through the 招生 & 记录 Office. 

Students selecting the option of Pass/No Pass must submit the Pass/No Pass Request Form to the 招生 & 记录 office 在这里.  

Grading System

单位 -最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏工作的计量单位应为学期单位.

成绩 — 成绩 are available online in LancerPoint,大约在每学期和课间休息结束后两周.

成绩, Symbols, and Grade Points

最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏采用信函系统对完成的工作质量进行评分 学生. 每个年级的解释,每学期的学分值 unit, is described below.


A - Excellent (4)
荣誉等级表示由于持续优异的考试而获得的优异成绩 scores; consistently accurate and prompt completion of assignments; ability to deal resourcefully with abstract ideas; superior mastery of pertinent skills; promise of success in a field relating to the subject.

B - 好(3)
HONOR GRADE indicating COMPETENCE earned as a result of high examination scores; accurate and prompt completion of assignments; ability to deal well with abstract ideas; commendable mastery of pertinent skills; promise of continued success in sequential 课程.

C -Satisfactory (2)
标准的大学成绩,表明作为满意的结果而获得的成功表现 examination scores; generally accurate and prompt completion of assignments; ability to deal with abstract ideas; fair mastery of pertinent skills; sufficient evidence of ability to warrant entering sequential 课程. A C is the minimum course grade necessary to meet a prerequisite.

D - Passing But Less Than Satisfactory (1)
标准等级表明只有在达到最低要求后才能获得 考试分数低,通常不准确、不完整或迟交作业; inadequate grasp of abstract ideas; barely acceptable mastery of pertinent skills; 没有足够的证据表明有能力选择连续的课程. 如果成绩是D,就说明这个学生不太可能在更高的学校取得成功 level course and would not meet prerequisite requirements.

I - Incomplete (0)
此符号标识未完成的工作,否则通过,表示重要的 缺少学期论文、期末考试或实验等作业 疾病或其他充分理由),但可以提交完成课程. I级不得作为退学等级,也不计入 grade-point average. An I must be made up within one year or a default grade will 被分配.

F - 失败(0)
不及格分数表示未能达到最低要求 of non passing examination scores; inaccurate, incomplete, or late assignments; failure to cope with abstract ideas; inadequate mastery of pertinent skills; repeated absence 从类.

W - Withdrawn (0)
这个符号记录在一个学生自愿退课的时候,一个学生 is dropped 从类 by a teacher, or a petition is approved for withdrawal; not considered in grade-point average.

MW - Military Withdrawal (0)

EW - Excused Withdrawal (0)
一个符号,用来记录学生因可证实的、有文件证明的原因而退学 beyond the student’s control. Reasons and verifiable documentation can include, but 是否不限于医生的证明,说明学生目前不能 to complete the work due to illness; employment verification of a new job; a booking report; police report of an accident; or any other documentation that proves the student’s 由于学生无法控制的原因,无法完成课程.

P - 通过(0)

NP - 无通行证(0)
CREDIT NOT ALLOWED; performance less than average quality; not included in grade-point computations.

IP - In Progress (0)
表示正在学习,但不计入平均绩点. 符号 适用于可能超出正常学期结束的课程.

RD - Report Delayed (0)
在学生无法控制成绩报告延迟时使用. 这是一个临时符号,不计入平均成绩.